「巴西栗」或「巴西木」是指一種熱帶植物,學名為 Pachira aquatica,常見於南美洲,特別是巴西和圭亞那。這種植物以其美麗的葉子和獨特的樹幹形狀而受到喜愛,通常用作室內觀賞植物。它的果實可食用,並且在某些文化中被認為帶來財富和幸運。
例句 1:
I placed a money tree in my home because I hope it will bring financial luck.
例句 2:
The café has many money trees, making the atmosphere more vibrant.
例句 3:
In Chinese culture, the money tree is regarded as a plant that attracts wealth.
例句 1:
巴西栗的學名是 Pachira aquatica,這讓它在植物學上更具識別性。
The scientific name for the money tree is Pachira aquatica, which makes it more identifiable in botany.
例句 2:
許多園藝書籍中都提到 Pachira aquatica 的養殖技巧。
Many gardening books mention the cultivation techniques for Pachira aquatica.
例句 3:
Pachira aquatica 在熱帶地區非常普遍,適合室內栽培。
Pachira aquatica is very common in tropical regions and is suitable for indoor cultivation.
例句 1:
Malabar chestnut 這個名稱常用於描述巴西栗的可食用果實。
The name Malabar chestnut is often used to describe the edible fruit of the money tree.
例句 2:
我在市場上看到了一些 Malabar chestnut,聽說味道不錯。
I saw some Malabar chestnuts at the market, and I heard they taste good.
例句 3:
Malabar chestnut 的果實在某些文化中被視為美味的零食。
The fruit of the Malabar chestnut is considered a tasty snack in some cultures.
例句 1:
Guiana chestnut 是巴西栗的另一個常見名稱,特別是在南美洲。
Guiana chestnut is another common name for the money tree, especially in South America.
例句 2:
在一些地方,Guiana chestnut 的種子被用來製作傳統工藝品。
In some places, the seeds of the Guiana chestnut are used to make traditional crafts.
例句 3:
Guiana chestnut 的果實在當地市場上非常受歡迎。
The fruit of the Guiana chestnut is very popular in local markets.