



  1. The ability to use the same name for different things.
  2. Using one method in different ways.
  3. A feature that allows one interface to be used for different data types.
  4. The ability of different classes to be treated as instances of the same class through a common interface.
  5. A programming concept that allows methods to do different things based on the object that it is acting upon.
  6. A core principle of object-oriented programming that allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass.
  7. The ability to redefine methods in derived classes, enabling a single interface to represent different underlying forms.
  8. A programming technique that allows for multiple implementations of a method, depending on the object that it is called on.
  9. A design principle that facilitates the use of a single interface to represent different underlying data types or classes.
  10. A concept in programming that allows the same function to behave differently based on the object it is applied to.




在物件導向程式設計中,多型性允許不同的物件使用相同的操作,這樣可以提高程式的靈活性和可重用性。這個概念在許多程式語言中都有實現,如 Java、C++ 和 Python。多型性使得開發者能夠創建更通用和抽象的程式碼,從而簡化程式的維護和擴展。


例句 1:


In this program, we use polymorphism to simplify the structure of the code.

例句 2:


Polymorphism allows us to use the same method on different objects.

例句 3:


Understanding polymorphism is essential for learning object-oriented programming.