

「Ra」這個詞在中文裡沒有直接的意思,可能是指某個特定的名稱、符號或簡寫。通常在不同的上下文中,「Ra」可能指代不同的事物,例如: 1. 在古埃及神話中,Ra 是太陽神,象徵著光明與創造。 2. 在化學中,Ra 是放射性元素鈈的符號。 3. 在音樂中,Ra 可能是指某個樂隊或歌曲的名稱。 具體的含義取決於使用的上下文。


  1. A name or symbol.
  2. Could mean something in mythology or science.
  3. Refers to a specific entity or concept.
  4. Often used in different contexts with various meanings.
  5. Can represent a deity, element, or abbreviation.
  6. A term that may have multiple interpretations based on context.
  7. A representation of a concept, deity, or scientific element.
  8. A term with significance in mythology, chemistry, or other fields.
  9. A term that can denote various entities depending on the context.
  10. A term or symbol that may refer to a mythological figure or scientific element.


1:Ra (Egyptian God)


在古埃及神話中,Ra 是太陽神,象徵著光明和創造。古埃及人相信 Ra 每天都會從東方升起,並在西方落下,這個循環代表了生命和再生。


例句 1:

在古埃及,Ra 被崇拜為生命之源。

In ancient Egypt, Ra was worshipped as the source of life.

例句 2:

Ra 的神話故事在許多古埃及文獻中都有記載。

The myths about Ra are recorded in many ancient Egyptian texts.

例句 3:

Ra 的形象經常出現在古埃及的藝術作品中。

The image of Ra frequently appears in ancient Egyptian artworks.

2:Radium (chemical element)


Ra 是放射性元素鈈的化學符號,具有高度放射性,曾被用於醫療和工業應用。由於其放射性,使用 Ra 時需要特別小心。


例句 1:

Ra 是一種非常放射性的元素,使用時必須小心。

Ra is a highly radioactive element and must be handled with care.

例句 2:

科學家們對 Ra 的研究有助於了解放射性物質的特性。

Scientists' research on Ra helps understand the properties of radioactive materials.

例句 3:

Ra 曾經被用於治療某些癌症,但後來因為安全問題而被限制使用。

Ra was once used to treat certain cancers but was later restricted due to safety concerns.

3:Ra (band)


Ra 是一支美國搖滾樂隊,以其獨特的音樂風格和激勵人心的歌詞而聞名。這支樂隊的音樂融合了多種風格,吸引了許多粉絲。


例句 1:

Ra 樂隊的音樂風格融合了搖滾與金屬元素。

The band Ra blends rock with metal elements.

例句 2:


Their albums have performed well on music charts.

例句 3:

Ra 樂隊的演出總是充滿活力,吸引了大量觀眾。

Ra's performances are always energetic and attract large audiences.