例句 1:
你有去過那個省的首府,Nakhon Ratchasima 嗎?
Have you been to the capital of that province, Nakhon Ratchasima?
例句 2:
Nakhon Ratchasima 是泰國最大的省份之一。
Nakhon Ratchasima is one of the largest provinces in Thailand.
例句 3:
Nakhon Ratchasima 擁有許多著名的旅遊景點。
Nakhon Ratchasima has many famous tourist attractions.
例句 1:
Korat 是許多泰國人熟悉的名字。
Korat is a name familiar to many Thais.
例句 2:
他們計畫去 Korat 旅遊一週。
They plan to travel to Korat for a week.
例句 3:
Korat 以其美味的當地料理而聞名。
Korat is famous for its delicious local cuisine.
例句 1:
Nakhon 是泰國許多省份名稱的開頭部分。
Nakhon is the prefix used in the names of many provinces in Thailand.
例句 2:
我們將在 Nakhon 省的城市中探索當地文化。
We will explore the local culture in the cities of Nakhon province.
例句 3:
Nakhon 的意思是城市,代表著繁榮和發展。
Nakhon means city, representing prosperity and development.
這是指泰國的行政區劃單位,Ratchasima 是其中的一個省。泰國有76個省,每個省都有其獨特的文化和地理特徵。
例句 1:
Each province in Thailand has its own characteristics and traditions.
例句 2:
I am very interested in the distribution of provinces in Thailand.
例句 3:
This province is very important in the geography of Thailand.