例句 1:
The Rhine is one of the most important rivers in Germany.
例句 2:
Many cruise ships operate on the Rhine, attracting numerous tourists.
例句 3:
The scenery along the Rhine is very beautiful.
例句 1:
Rhein River 在歷史上曾是重要的貿易路線。
The Rhein River has historically been an important trade route.
例句 2:
我們計劃沿著Rhein River 進行一次徒步旅行。
We plan to go on a hike along the Rhein River.
例句 3:
Rhein River 的水質保護對於生態系統至關重要。
The protection of the water quality of the Rhein River is crucial for the ecosystem.
這是「Rhein River」的另一種表達方式,通常在不同的語境中使用。萊茵河的文化和歷史遺產吸引了許多研究者和遊客。
例句 1:
Rhine River 是歐洲最長的河流之一。
The Rhine River is one of the longest rivers in Europe.
例句 2:
許多城堡坐落在Rhine River 的岸邊。
Many castles are located along the banks of the Rhine River.
例句 3:
Rhine River 的葡萄酒產區非常有名。
The wine region along the Rhine River is very famous.