例句 1:
Rudolph 是聖誕老人的一隻特別的馴鹿。
Rudolph is a special reindeer of Santa Claus.
例句 2:
每年聖誕節,孩子們都會唱關於 Rudolph 的歌曲。
Every Christmas, children sing songs about Rudolph.
例句 3:
在故事中,Rudolph 用他的紅鼻子引導其他馴鹿。
In the story, Rudolph guides the other reindeer with his red nose.
例句 1:
在法國,Rudolphe 是一個傳統的男性名字。
In France, Rudolphe is a traditional male name.
例句 2:
Rudolphe 這個名字在法國的文學作品中經常出現。
The name Rudolphe often appears in French literary works.
例句 3:
許多法國家庭選擇 Rudolphe 作為他們兒子的名字。
Many French families choose Rudolphe as their son's name.
例句 1:
Rudolf 在德國是一個非常常見的名字。
Rudolf is a very common name in Germany.
例句 2:
許多著名的德國人物都叫 Rudolf。
Many famous German figures are named Rudolf.
例句 3:
Rudolf 這個名字在德國的文學中也經常出現。
The name Rudolf often appears in German literature.
例句 1:
Rodolfo 是許多西班牙語國家的常見名字。
Rodolfo is a common name in many Spanish-speaking countries.
例句 2:
在西班牙,Rodolfo 這個名字常常與勇敢的形象聯繫在一起。
In Spain, the name Rodolfo is often associated with bravery.
例句 3:
許多拉丁美洲的文學作品中都有角色叫 Rodolfo。
Many Latin American literary works feature characters named Rodolfo.