

「Shakers」這個詞在中文中通常指的是一種宗教團體,該團體起源於18世紀的英國,後來在美國發展壯大。他們以簡樸的生活方式和獨特的宗教信仰而聞名,並且強調社區生活、平等和對上帝的崇拜。Shakers 也以其手工藝品和家具設計而聞名,特別是其簡約而實用的風格。


  1. A group of people with special beliefs.
  2. A religious community that values simplicity.
  3. A group known for their unique lifestyle.
  4. A religious sect famous for their crafts.
  5. A community that practices celibacy and communal living.
  6. A religious group that emphasizes simplicity and equality.
  7. A sect known for its distinctive furniture and architecture.
  8. A historical religious community recognized for its craftsmanship.
  9. A group that developed a unique way of life based on their spiritual beliefs.
  10. An American religious community noted for its craftsmanship and communal values.


1:Shaker community


指的是這個宗教團體的成員及其生活方式。他們強調社區生活,並且以集體的方式進行崇拜和工作。Shaker community 的成員通常過著簡樸的生活,並且在日常活動中實踐他們的信仰和價值觀。


例句 1:

這個 Shaker community 以其獨特的手工藝品而聞名。

This Shaker community is famous for its unique handcrafted items.

例句 2:

Shaker community 的成員相信簡單的生活方式。

Members of the Shaker community believe in a simple lifestyle.

例句 3:

他們的 Shaker community 強調平等和社區合作。

Their Shaker community emphasizes equality and cooperation.

2:Shaker sect


這個詞用來指代 Shakers 作為一個宗教派別,通常與其他宗教團體相對。Shaker sect 的信仰和實踐使其與主流基督教有所不同,並且他們的獨特性在於他們的生活方式和對社會的看法。


例句 1:

Shaker sect 的信徒堅持獨特的宗教信仰。

Followers of the Shaker sect adhere to unique religious beliefs.

例句 2:

這個 Shaker sect 在美國歷史上扮演了重要的角色。

This Shaker sect played an important role in American history.

例句 3:

Shaker sect 的教義強調靈性和社會責任。

The teachings of the Shaker sect emphasize spirituality and social responsibility.

3:Shaker religion


指的是 Shaker 的宗教信仰體系,該體系強調對上帝的崇拜、社區生活和簡樸的價值觀。Shaker religion 的信徒通常過著與世俗社會不同的生活,並且強調靈性和道德。


例句 1:

Shaker religion 的信徒通常過著與世俗生活截然不同的生活。

Followers of the Shaker religion often live lives that are vastly different from secular society.

例句 2:

Shaker religion 強調信仰與實踐的結合。

The Shaker religion emphasizes the integration of faith and practice.

例句 3:

她對 Shaker religion 的歷史和信仰感到好奇。

She is curious about the history and beliefs of the Shaker religion.

4:Shaker lifestyle


描述 Shaker 成員的日常生活方式,包括他們的工作、崇拜和社交互動。Shaker lifestyle 通常被認為是簡樸、節制和社區導向的,並且強調集體生活和相互支持。


例句 1:

Shaker lifestyle 的核心是簡單和社區合作。

The core of the Shaker lifestyle is simplicity and community cooperation.

例句 2:

她對 Shaker lifestyle 的興趣促使她參觀了一個 Shaker 社區。

Her interest in the Shaker lifestyle led her to visit a Shaker community.

例句 3:

Shaker lifestyle 的價值觀在現代社會中仍然具有啟發性。

The values of the Shaker lifestyle remain inspiring in modern society.