

「Sonoma」通常指的是美國加利福尼亞州的一個地區,該地區以其葡萄酒產業而聞名。Sonoma County 擁有許多酒莊,並且是加州最著名的葡萄酒產區之一。此外,Sonoma 也可以指代 Sonoma Valley,這是一個以風景如畫的葡萄園和農田著稱的地方。該地區擁有豐富的歷史和文化,是旅遊和休閒的熱門目的地。


  1. A place in California known for wine.
  2. A county famous for vineyards and wineries.
  3. A region with many wine producers.
  4. A destination for wine tasting and tours.
  5. A scenic area in California with a rich culture.
  6. A renowned location in the wine industry.
  7. A popular travel spot for wine enthusiasts.
  8. A historical and cultural area known for its vineyards.
  9. A prominent county in California recognized for its viticulture.
  10. A picturesque valley famous for its wineries and agricultural heritage.


1:Sonoma County


Sonoma County 是加州的一個地區,以其豐富的葡萄酒產業和美麗的自然風光而聞名。這裡有許多酒莊,可以進行品酒和參觀。


例句 1:

我們計劃去 Sonoma County 參加葡萄酒品鑑活動。

We plan to visit Sonoma County for a wine tasting event.

例句 2:

Sonoma County 是許多遊客的熱門旅遊地點。

Sonoma County is a popular travel destination for many tourists.

例句 3:

這裡的美景和美酒吸引了很多人來到 Sonoma County。

The beautiful scenery and fine wines attract many people to Sonoma County.

2:Sonoma Valley


Sonoma Valley 是 Sonoma County 的一部分,以其風景如畫的葡萄園和農田著稱。這裡的氣候和土壤非常適合葡萄種植。


例句 1:

Sonoma Valley 是品酒的理想地點。

Sonoma Valley is an ideal place for wine tasting.

例句 2:

我們在 Sonoma Valley 的一個酒莊度過了一個美好的下午。

We spent a lovely afternoon at a winery in Sonoma Valley.

例句 3:

Sonoma Valley 的風景真是令人驚嘆。

The scenery in Sonoma Valley is truly breathtaking.

3:Wine Country


Wine Country 通常指的是美國加州的葡萄酒產區,包括 Sonoma 和 Napa Valleys。這個地區以其高品質的葡萄酒和美麗的風景而聞名。


例句 1:

加州的 Wine Country 是葡萄酒愛好者的天堂。

California's Wine Country is a paradise for wine lovers.

例句 2:

我們在 Wine Country 參加了一個葡萄酒節。

We attended a wine festival in Wine Country.

例句 3:

Wine Country 的酒莊提供各種不同的品酒體驗。

The wineries in Wine Country offer a variety of tasting experiences.

4:Sonoma Wine Region


Sonoma Wine Region 是一個以生產優質葡萄酒而聞名的地區,涵蓋了多個酒莊和葡萄園。這裡的多樣化氣候使其能夠生產不同類型的葡萄酒。


例句 1:

Sonoma Wine Region 是探索新酒款的絕佳地點。

The Sonoma Wine Region is a great place to explore new wines.

例句 2:

我們在 Sonoma Wine Region 的旅程中品嚐了多款優質葡萄酒。

We tasted several high-quality wines during our trip to the Sonoma Wine Region.

例句 3:

Sonoma Wine Region 的酒莊經常舉辦品酒活動。

Wineries in the Sonoma Wine Region often host tasting events.