例句 1:
Tremella is very popular in Chinese cuisine and is often used to make desserts.
例句 2:
The soup includes Tremella, which makes it smoother in texture.
例句 3:
Tremella is believed to improve skin health.
例句 1:
這道甜品裡有雪耳(Snow fungus),口感特別好。
This dessert contains Snow fungus, which adds a special texture.
例句 2:
雪耳(Snow fungus)常與其他食材一起煮湯。
Snow fungus is often cooked in soup with other ingredients.
例句 3:
我喜歡用雪耳(Snow fungus)來製作健康的甜品。
I love using Snow fungus to make healthy desserts.
例句 1:
銀耳(Silver ear fungus)是一種營養豐富的食材。
Silver ear fungus is a nutritious ingredient.
例句 2:
在這道菜中,我們使用了銀耳(Silver ear fungus)來增添風味。
We used Silver ear fungus in this dish to enhance the flavor.
例句 3:
銀耳(Silver ear fungus)在傳統中醫中被認為有益健康。
Silver ear fungus is believed to be beneficial for health in traditional Chinese medicine.
例句 1:
這道甜品裡有白耳(White fungus),讓口感更加豐富。
This dessert contains White fungus, adding richness to the texture.
例句 2:
我喜歡在湯裡加入白耳(White fungus),讓湯更加美味。
I like to add White fungus to the soup to make it more delicious.
例句 3:
白耳(White fungus)常被用來製作傳統的甜品。
White fungus is often used to make traditional desserts.