

「X-ers」這個詞通常用來指代某一特定世代的人,特別是指在特定時間範圍內出生的一群人。這個詞的「X」通常代表某個世代的名稱,例如「Generation X」,指的是在1965年至1980年間出生的人。這個詞彙在社會學和市場營銷中常用於描述這些世代的特徵、行為模式和文化趨勢。


  1. A group of people born in a certain time.
  2. People from a specific age range.
  3. A generation that shares common experiences.
  4. A demographic group defined by their birth years.
  5. A cohort of individuals defined by their shared upbringing.
  6. A classification of people based on their birth period and cultural influences.
  7. A segment of society characterized by their unique experiences and historical context.
  8. A label used to categorize individuals based on generational characteristics.
  9. A sociological term denoting individuals born within a specified timeframe, often sharing similar cultural and social experiences.
  10. A term used to identify individuals belonging to a specific generational cohort.


1:Generation X




例句 1:

Generation X 是第一代在數位時代成長的人。

Generation X is the first generation to grow up in the digital age.

例句 2:

許多 Generation X 的人對於工作與生活的平衡非常重視。

Many in Generation X value work-life balance highly.

例句 3:

這部電影對於 Generation X 的文化影響深遠。

This film had a profound impact on the culture of Generation X.

2:X Generation


與 Generation X 同義,強調該世代的獨特性和特徵。這個詞通常用於討論該世代的社會行為、消費習慣和文化趨勢。


例句 1:

X Generation 對於科技的接受度非常高。

The X Generation has a high acceptance of technology.

例句 2:

許多 X Generation 的人對於環保議題非常關心。

Many from the X Generation are very concerned about environmental issues.

例句 3:

X Generation 的人通常喜歡獨立思考。

People from the X Generation tend to prefer independent thinking.

3:Gen X


這是對 Generation X 的簡稱,常用於非正式場合。它同樣指的是在1965年至1980年間出生的一代人,並且包涵了對該世代的特徵和文化影響的討論。


例句 1:

Gen X 在音樂和文化上有著獨特的影響力。

Gen X has a unique influence on music and culture.

例句 2:

許多 Gen X 的人對於社會變革持開放態度。

Many Gen X individuals are open to social change.

例句 3:

Gen X 的人通常更注重個人自由。

People from Gen X often place a high value on personal freedom.



這是一個非正式的術語,用來指代 Generation X 的成員。它可以用於社交場合、媒體報導或市場營銷中,通常帶有輕鬆的語氣。


例句 1:

X-ers 通常對於品牌的忠誠度不如前幾代人。

X-ers often show less brand loyalty than previous generations.

例句 2:

在這個活動中,X-ers 是主要的參與者。

At this event, X-ers are the main participants.

例句 3:

X-ers 的生活方式在許多方面都與年輕一代有所不同。

The lifestyle of X-ers differs in many ways from that of younger generations.