

「Yunus」是一個常見的名字,尤其在阿拉伯語和土耳其語文化中。它的意義通常與「鯨魚」或「魚」有關,源自阿拉伯語中的「يونس」(Yūnus)。這個名字在伊斯蘭文化中也有著重要的地位,因為它與聖經中的約拿先知(Prophet Jonah)相聯繫。Yunus被認為是一位具有智慧和勇氣的先知,他在困難的時期表現出堅定的信念。


  1. A name often used in Arabic-speaking countries.
  2. A name that can mean 'dove' or 'fish'.
  3. A common name in Middle Eastern cultures.
  4. A name associated with a prophet in religious texts.
  5. A name that has historical and cultural significance.
  6. A name linked to a figure known for wisdom in religious narratives.
  7. A name that symbolizes resilience and faith in difficult times.
  8. A name that carries historical and spiritual connotations.
  9. A name representing a revered prophet in both Islamic and Judeo-Christian traditions.
  10. A name of significant cultural and religious importance.




在阿拉伯文化中,Yunus 是一個常見的男性名字,通常與智慧和勇氣聯繫在一起。這個名字也象徵著堅定的信念和克服困難的能力。


例句 1:

Yunus 是一位著名的先知,他的故事在許多文化中都有流傳。

Yunus is a famous prophet whose story is told in many cultures.

例句 2:

在伊斯蘭教中,Yunus 被視為一位智慧的先知。

In Islam, Yunus is regarded as a wise prophet.

例句 3:

許多家長選擇 Yunus 作為他們孩子的名字,因為它的美好意義。

Many parents choose Yunus as their child's name because of its beautiful meaning.



在基督教和猶太教的傳統中,Jonah 是一位重要的先知,以他的故事聞名。他被吞入一條大魚中,並在魚肚中三天三夜後獲救,這個故事象徵著悔改和救贖。


例句 1:

Jonah 的故事教導我們關於悔改的重要性。

The story of Jonah teaches us about the importance of repentance.

例句 2:

在聖經中,Jonah 是一位勇敢的先知,他的經歷啟發了許多人。

In the Bible, Jonah is a courageous prophet whose experiences inspire many.

例句 3:

許多藝術作品都以 Jonah 的故事為主題。

Many artworks are based on the story of Jonah.

3:Prophet Jonah




例句 1:

Prophet Jonah 的故事在伊斯蘭教和基督教中都受到尊重。

The story of Prophet Jonah is respected in both Islam and Christianity.

例句 2:

許多信徒從 Prophet Jonah 的故事中汲取靈感。

Many believers draw inspiration from the story of Prophet Jonah.

例句 3:

Prophet Jonah 的經歷提醒我們要有信心,即使在困難的時刻。

Prophet Jonah's experiences remind us to have faith even in difficult times.

4:Yunus the Prophet


這個詞組專指 Yunus 作為先知的身份,強調他在宗教史上的重要性。作為一位先知,Yunus 的故事常常被用來教導信徒有關信仰、堅持和悔改的課題。


例句 1:

Yunus the Prophet 的故事在許多文化中都被傳頌。

The story of Yunus the Prophet is celebrated in many cultures.

例句 2:

Yunus the Prophet 的教誨對於信徒來說是非常重要的。

The teachings of Yunus the Prophet are very important for believers.

例句 3:

Yunus the Prophet 的故事提醒我們要堅持信念。

The story of Yunus the Prophet reminds us to hold on to our beliefs.