例句 1:
Auricularia 是耳環菇的學名,通常用於學術研究。
Auricularia is the scientific name for the jelly ear fungus, often used in academic research.
例句 2:
在生物學中,Auricularia 這個詞有時會與其他類似的真菌混淆。
In biology, the term Auricularia can sometimes be confused with other similar fungi.
例句 3:
這種真菌的學名是 Auricularia auricula-judae。
The scientific name of this fungus is Auricularia auricula-judae.
例句 1:
Jelly ear 是一種在亞洲菜中常見的食材。
Jelly ear is a common ingredient in Asian cuisine.
例句 2:
這道菜中使用了 jelly ear 來增添口感。
This dish uses jelly ear to add texture.
例句 3:
在中國,jelly ear 通常被用來製作湯品。
In China, jelly ear is often used to make soups.
例句 1:
Wood ear mushroom 是中國料理中不可或缺的成分。
Wood ear mushroom is an essential ingredient in Chinese cuisine.
例句 2:
這道涼菜裡加入了 wood ear mushroom。
This cold dish includes wood ear mushroom.
例句 3:
在市場上,wood ear mushroom 的需求量很高。
There is a high demand for wood ear mushroom in the market.
例句 1:
Black fungus 常用於炒菜或湯品中。
Black fungus is commonly used in stir-fries or soups.
例句 2:
在超市裡,你可以找到乾燥的 black fungus。
In the supermarket, you can find dried black fungus.
例句 3:
這道菜的主要成分之一是 black fungus。
One of the main ingredients in this dish is black fungus.