例句 1:
這個新產品的市場營銷策略使用了許多流行的 buzzword。
The marketing strategy for the new product uses many popular buzzwords.
例句 2:
會議上出現了很多行業的 buzzword。
There were many industry buzzwords mentioned at the conference.
例句 3:
他們的報告充滿了流行的 buzzword,卻缺乏具體的數據。
Their report was filled with buzzwords but lacked concrete data.
例句 1:
這部電影的標語成為了一句流行的 catchphrase。
The movie's tagline became a popular catchphrase.
例句 2:
這個品牌的 catchphrase 很容易記住,讓消費者印象深刻。
The brand's catchphrase is memorable and leaves a strong impression on consumers.
例句 3:
他總是使用同樣的 catchphrase 來吸引聽眾的注意。
He always uses the same catchphrase to grab the audience's attention.
例句 1:
這篇文章充滿了專業的 jargon,讓人難以理解。
The article is filled with jargon that makes it hard to understand.
例句 2:
他在演講中使用了太多的行業 jargon,讓觀眾感到困惑。
He used too much industry jargon in his speech, leaving the audience confused.
例句 3:
在技術會議上,jargon 是常見的,但新手可能會感到不知所措。
Jargon is common at technical conferences, but newcomers might feel overwhelmed.
例句 1:
This trend is becoming increasingly popular among young people.
例句 2:
Their product design follows current fashion trends.
例句 3:
Trends on social media influence many brands' marketing strategies.