

「cincticeps」是一種生物學術語,通常用於描述某些特定的生物或昆蟲,特別是在昆蟲學的研究中。這個詞的字面意思是「帶狀的頭」,由拉丁文「cinctus」(帶、環)和「cephalus」(頭)組成。在昆蟲學中,cincticeps 可能指的是某些具有特定頭部形態或特徵的昆蟲物種。


  1. A name for a type of insect.
  2. A scientific term for an insect with a special head shape.
  3. A classification used in biology.
  4. A term used to describe a specific feature of certain insects.
  5. A biological term referring to insects with ringed or banded heads.
  6. A taxonomic descriptor for certain insects characterized by their head morphology.
  7. A nomenclature used in entomology to identify insects with distinct head features.
  8. A specific term in biological taxonomy for insects with a particular head structure.
  9. A term in entomological classification denoting insects with specific cranial characteristics.
  10. A scientific designation for certain insects based on their head shape and features.






例句 1:

這種昆蟲被分類為 cincticeps,因為它的頭部有明顯的帶狀特徵。

This insect is classified as cincticeps due to its distinct banded head features.

例句 2:

在研究中,我們發現了幾種新的 cincticeps 昆蟲物種。

In our study, we discovered several new species of cincticeps insects.

例句 3:

cincticeps 這個術語幫助昆蟲學家更好地理解這些昆蟲的生態特徵。

The term cincticeps helps entomologists better understand the ecological characteristics of these insects.