

dBm(分貝毫瓦)是一種用於表示功率的單位,特別是在無線通信和電子工程中。它是以毫瓦(mW)為基準的分貝值,計算公式為:dBm = 10 × log10(P/1mW),其中 P 是以毫瓦為單位的功率。dBm 的使用使得在不同功率範圍內的比較更加方便,特別是在無線信號強度、發射功率等領域。


  1. A measure of power in electronics.
  2. Used to express how strong a signal is.
  3. A way to show power levels in decibels.
  4. A logarithmic unit for measuring power relative to one milliwatt.
  5. A unit that helps compare signal strengths in telecommunications.
  6. A standard unit used in radio and telecommunications to express power levels.
  7. A power measurement that is logarithmic and referenced to one milliwatt.
  8. A common unit in RF (radio frequency) engineering to indicate power levels.
  9. A crucial unit for quantifying electromagnetic signal strength in communication systems.
  10. A decibel measurement used to express power relative to one milliwatt, often used in signal strength.




這是 dBm 的全名,常用於無線通信和音頻領域來表示功率。它是以毫瓦為基準的分貝值,這使得不同的功率值之間的比較變得更加簡單。


例句 1:

這個設備的發射功率是 20 dBm

The transmission power of this device is 20 dBm.

例句 2:

在無線網路中,信號強度通常用 dBm 來表示。

In wireless networks, signal strength is often expressed in dBm.

例句 3:

我們需要確保信號在 10 dBm 到 20 dBm 之間。

We need to ensure the signal is between 10 dBm and 20 dBm.

2:Signal strength


這個詞用於描述無線信號的強度,通常以 dBm 作為單位。信號強度直接影響通訊的質量和可靠性。


例句 1:

信號強度低於 -90 dBm,可能會導致通訊不穩定。

A signal strength below -90 dBm may cause unstable communication.

例句 2:


We need to increase the signal strength to improve communication quality.

例句 3:

測試顯示,信號強度在 -70 dBm 到 -80 dBm 之間是理想的。

Tests show that a signal strength between -70 dBm and -80 dBm is ideal.

3:Power level


這個詞用於描述設備或系統的功率輸出,通常以 dBm 或其他功率單位表示。功率水平影響設備的性能和範圍。


例句 1:

這台無線電的功率水平設置為 15 dBm

The power level of this radio is set to 15 dBm.

例句 2:


Increasing the power level can expand the coverage area of the signal.

例句 3:


We need to check if the power level of the equipment meets the standards.