

「雙元音」是指由兩個元音音素組成的音節,在發音時,這兩個元音的發音會連續且流暢地連接在一起,形成一個單一的音。雙元音通常出現在一個音節當中,並且在語言中起到增強語音流暢性的作用。在英語中,常見的雙元音包括 /aɪ/(如在單詞 'my' 中)和 /aʊ/(如在單詞 'how' 中)。


  1. A sound made by combining two vowel sounds.
  2. Two vowel sounds that glide together.
  3. A single sound that starts with one vowel and moves to another.
  4. A combination of two vowel sounds in one syllable.
  5. A smooth transition from one vowel to another in pronunciation.
  6. A phonetic unit consisting of two vowel sounds occurring within the same syllable.
  7. A complex vowel sound that involves a shift from one vowel to another.
  8. A linguistic feature that enhances the fluidity of speech by merging two vowel sounds.
  9. A phonological phenomenon where two vowel sounds coalesce into a single syllabic unit.
  10. A sound created by blending two vowels within one syllable, contributing to the richness of spoken language.




在語言學中,雙元音是由兩個元音音素組成的音,它們在發音時連續變化,通常出現在同一個音節中。這種發音特徵使得語言聽起來更加流暢和自然。在英語中,雙元音的例子包括 'oi' 在 'coin' 和 'ou' 在 'house' 中的發音。雙元音的使用能夠增強語言的音韻美,並且在不同語言中有著不同的表現形式。


例句 1:

在英語中,像 'coin' 和 'house' 這樣的單詞包含雙元音。

In English, words like 'coin' and 'house' contain a diphthong.

例句 2:


Learning the pronunciation of diphthongs is crucial for improving speaking skills.

例句 3:


The presence of diphthongs enriches the phonetic structure of a language.