

「Shetland」是指位於蘇格蘭北部的一組島嶼,這些島嶼形成了蘇格蘭的最北端,並且以其獨特的自然風光和豐富的文化遺產而聞名。Shetland 羊毛和 Shetland 羊毛編織品(如圍巾和毛衣)也非常有名。這些島嶼的歷史、傳統和語言(例如 Shetland 方言)也使其成為一個有趣的文化探索地點。


  1. A group of islands in Scotland.
  2. An area known for its unique culture.
  3. A place famous for its wool and knitting.
  4. A Scottish archipelago with rich history.
  5. An archipelago known for its natural beauty and wildlife.
  6. A region in Scotland with distinct traditions and dialect.
  7. A northern Scottish island group known for its maritime heritage.
  8. A collection of islands with a blend of Norse and Scottish culture.
  9. An archipelago that showcases both rugged landscapes and a unique cultural identity.
  10. A group of islands that are culturally rich and known for their scenic beauty.


1:Shetland Islands


這是指包括大 Shetland 島和小 Shetland 島的整個島嶼群。這些島嶼以其壯麗的海岸線、豐富的野生動物和獨特的地理特徵而著稱。這些島嶼的文化深受挪威影響,當地居民的生活方式和傳統也顯示出這一點。


例句 1:

我們計畫到 Shetland Islands 旅遊,欣賞壯麗的自然風光。

We plan to visit the Shetland Islands to enjoy the stunning natural scenery.

例句 2:

Shetland Islands 是觀賞海鳥的好地方。

The Shetland Islands are a great place to watch seabirds.

例句 3:

Shetland Islands 的文化節上,我們體驗了當地的音樂和舞蹈。

At the cultural festival in the Shetland Islands, we experienced local music and dance.

2:Shetland Pony


這是一種小型的馬,源自 Shetland Islands,因其耐力和友好的性格而受到喜愛。這種馬通常用於兒童騎乘和農場工作。它們的體型小巧,但非常堅韌,適合在各種環境中生存。


例句 1:

Shetland Pony 是非常適合小孩的騎乘馬。

The Shetland Pony is a great riding horse for children.

例句 2:

這些 Shetland Pony 在農場上幫助工作。

These Shetland Ponies help with work on the farm.

例句 3:

我們在馬展上看到了許多可愛的 Shetland Pony。

We saw many cute Shetland Ponies at the horse show.

3:Shetland Wool


這是來自 Shetland 羊的羊毛,以其柔軟性和保暖性而聞名。Shetland 羊毛經常用來製作高品質的針織品,如毛衣、圍巾和手套,並且在手工藝市場上非常受歡迎。


例句 1:

我買了一件用 Shetland 羊毛編織的毛衣,非常保暖。

I bought a sweater made of Shetland wool, and it's very warm.

例句 2:

Shetland 羊毛的質地非常柔軟,適合製作精緻的針織品。

The texture of Shetland wool is very soft, making it perfect for delicate knitwear.

例句 3:

這家商店專門販售用 Shetland 羊毛製作的手工藝品。

This shop specializes in handmade crafts made from Shetland wool.