例句 1:
這種吸蟲的學名是 Trematode。
This type of fluke is scientifically known as Trematode.
例句 2:
研究人員正在研究 Trematode 對水生生態系統的影響。
Researchers are studying the impact of trematodes on aquatic ecosystems.
例句 3:
Trematode 的生活週期通常需要多個宿主。
The life cycle of a trematode typically requires multiple hosts.
例句 1:
這隻魚可能感染了 fluke。
This fish might be infected with a fluke.
例句 2:
Fluke 通常會導致宿主的健康問題。
Flukes often cause health issues for their hosts.
例句 3:
在某些地區,fluke 是一種常見的水生寄生蟲。
In some areas, flukes are common aquatic parasites.
例句 1:
所有的吸蟲都是 flatworm,但並非所有的 flatworm 都是吸蟲。
All trematodes are flatworms, but not all flatworms are trematodes.
例句 2:
Flatworm 在水中生活的種類很多。
There are many types of flatworms living in the water.
例句 3:
研究 flatworm 的生物學有助於了解它們的生態角色。
Studying the biology of flatworms helps to understand their ecological roles.
例句 1:
Trematodes are a type of parasite that poses a threat to the health of their hosts.
例句 2:
Many parasites affect the health of humans and animals.
例句 3:
Understanding the life cycle of parasites is crucial for controlling their spread.