用於表示一個詞或短語的簡短形式,通常由其首字母或部分字母組成。在書寫中經常使用,以節省空間或時間。例如,'Dr.' 是 'Doctor' 的縮寫。
例句 1:
Using abbreviations in academic writing can make the paper more concise.
例句 2:
'etc.' 是 'et cetera' 的縮寫,表示其他類似的事物。
'etc.' is an abbreviation for 'et cetera', indicating other similar things.
例句 3:
The report uses many abbreviations for technical terms.
由多個單詞的首字母組成的縮寫,通常讀作一個詞而不是單獨的字母。例如,'NASA' 是 'National Aeronautics and Space Administration' 的首字母縮寫。
例句 1:
'UNESCO' 是 'United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization' 的縮寫。
'UNESCO' is an acronym for 'United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization'.
例句 2:
這個組織的縮寫是 'WHO',代表世界衛生組織。
The organization's acronym is 'WHO', which stands for World Health Organization.
例句 3:
Many tech companies use acronyms to simplify their names.
類似於縮寫,但每個字母都單獨發音,而不是合成一個詞。比如 'FBI' 是 'Federal Bureau of Investigation' 的首字母縮寫。
例句 1:
'FBI' 是美國聯邦調查局的首字母縮寫。
'FBI' is the initialism for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
例句 2:
Initialisms of industries are often mentioned in business meetings.
例句 3:
This initialism represents an important legal agency.