例句 1:
《史記》被譽為《Records of the Grand Historian》,是中國歷史的瑰寶。
The 'Records of the Grand Historian' is regarded as a treasure of Chinese history.
例句 2:
學者們經常引用《Records of the Grand Historian》來研究古代中國的政治與文化。
Scholars often cite the 'Records of the Grand Historian' to study ancient Chinese politics and culture.
例句 3:
這部作品的影響力延續至今,被譽為《Records of the Grand Historian》。
The influence of this work continues today, being hailed as the 'Records of the Grand Historian'.
例句 1:
《Historical Records》詳細描述了許多重要的歷史事件。
The 'Historical Records' provides detailed accounts of many significant historical events.
例句 2:
研究《Historical Records》可以幫助我們理解古代中國的社會結構。
Studying the 'Historical Records' can help us understand the social structure of ancient China.
例句 3:
這本書是《Historical Records》,對中國歷史的研究至關重要。
This book is the 'Historical Records', which is crucial for the study of Chinese history.
例句 1:
《Chronicles of History》讓我們了解到古代中國的發展脈絡。
The 'Chronicles of History' allows us to understand the developmental context of ancient China.
例句 2:
很多歷史學家都依賴《Chronicles of History》來進行研究。
Many historians rely on the 'Chronicles of History' for their research.
例句 3:
這部作品被認為是《Chronicles of History》,在歷史學上具有重要地位。
This work is regarded as the 'Chronicles of History', holding an important place in historiography.
例句 1:
The 'Annals' provide annual records of ancient events.
例句 2:
The structure of this work is similar to the 'Annals', arranged chronologically.
例句 3:
Scholars are continuously delving into the 'Annals', uncovering many historical truths.