例句 1:
This generator has a power output of three thousand kilowatts, suitable for large factories.
例句 2:
Our system is designed to handle a load of three thousand kilowatts.
例句 3:
A power demand of three thousand kilowatts requires a stable supply.
例句 1:
這個設備的功率標示為3000 kW,適合高效運行。
The power rating of this equipment is 3000 kW, suitable for efficient operation.
例句 2:
在設計電力系統時,必須考慮3000 kW的需求。
When designing the power system, the demand of 3000 kW must be considered.
例句 3:
3000 kW的輸出能力使這台機器能夠滿足大型項目的需求。
The output capacity of 3000 kW allows this machine to meet the needs of large projects.
例句 1:
這座風力發電廠的總容量為3 MW,能夠供應數千戶家庭的用電需求。
The total capacity of this wind farm is 3 MW, capable of supplying electricity to thousands of households.
例句 2:
我們正在建設一個3 MW的太陽能發電系統。
We are constructing a 3 MW solar power generation system.
例句 3:
這個項目的目標是達到3 MW的發電能力。
The goal of this project is to achieve a power generation capacity of 3 MW.