例句 1:
The study of the geography of China and India is crucial for understanding the development of both countries.
例句 2:
This book provides a detailed account of the changes in the geography of China and India.
例句 3:
The geographical differences between China and India affect their trade patterns.
例句 1:
Sino-Indian geography在討論邊界問題時非常重要。
Sino-Indian geography is very important when discussing border issues.
例句 2:
Sino-Indian geography的變化影響了兩國的外交政策。
Changes in Sino-Indian geography have influenced the foreign policies of both countries.
例句 3:
我們的研究專注於Sino-Indian geography的歷史演變。
Our research focuses on the historical evolution of Sino-Indian geography.
例句 1:
China-India geography的研究有助於解決環境問題。
The study of China-India geography helps address environmental issues.
例句 2:
China-India geography的相互作用影響了區域安全。
The interactions in China-India geography affect regional security.
例句 3:
了解China-India geography對於未來的合作至關重要。
Understanding China-India geography is crucial for future cooperation.
例句 1:
Geographical relations在中印邊界問題中扮演著重要角色。
Geographical relations play an important role in the Sino-Indian border issues.
例句 2:
研究geographical relations有助於增進兩國的理解。
Studying geographical relations helps enhance understanding between the two countries.
例句 3:
Geographical relations are crucial for economic cooperation between China and India.