

「偶質數」是數學中的一個術語,指的是除了 2 以外的所有質數都屬於奇數。質數是指只能被 1 和自己整除的自然數,而偶數是指能被 2 整除的數字。由於 2 是唯一的偶質數,所有其他的質數都是奇數,因此「偶質數」這個詞通常用來特指數字 2。


  1. A special number that can only be divided by itself and one.
  2. A number that is not even except for one.
  3. A unique number that is even and prime.
  4. The only even number that is also prime.
  5. A number that is both even and has no divisors other than itself and one.
  6. The only even number in the set of prime numbers.
  7. A number that is divisible by two and is classified as prime.
  8. The only even integer that meets the criteria of a prime number.
  9. The singular even number that retains the properties of primality.
  10. The sole even number that can be classified as prime.


1:Even prime number


在數學中,這個詞專指 2,因為它是唯一的偶質數。其他的質數都是奇數,這使得 2 在質數的分類中獨樹一幟。數學家在研究質數時,常常會提到這個特例,以強調 2 的獨特性。


例句 1:

2 是唯一的偶質數

2 is the only even prime number.

例句 2:

在質數的研究中,2 的地位非常特殊,因為它是偶質數

In the study of prime numbers, 2 holds a very special position as the even prime number.

例句 3:


All other prime numbers are odd, making the even prime number even more unique.