



  1. A year before the common era.
  2. A time in history before year 1.
  3. A specific year long ago.
  4. A year that counts backwards from the year zero.
  5. A year denoting events that happened before the start of the common calendar.
  6. A historical year that indicates the time before the traditional date of the birth of Christ.
  7. A year in the ancient timeline, specifically 233 years before the common era.
  8. A designation for a year in history that precedes the established year of the Christian calendar.
  9. A chronological marker used in historical contexts to denote events occurring 233 years before the common era.
  10. A historical reference to a year that is counted backward from the year traditionally recognized as the start of the modern calendar.


1:B.C. 233


在歷史學中,B.C.(Before Christ)用來表示基督紀元之前的年份,這個標記是西方歷史中常用的時間標記方式。


例句 1:

公元前233年,即B.C. 233,正值中國歷史上的重要時期。

B.C. 233 marks an important period in Chinese history.

例句 2:

許多古代文明在B.C. 233這一年發生了重大事件。

Many ancient civilizations experienced significant events in B.C. 233.

例句 3:

B.C. 233的歷史記錄對於理解當時的社會結構非常重要。

Historical records from B.C. 233 are crucial for understanding the social structure of that time.

2:Before Christ 233




例句 1:

Before Christ 233的時期,許多文化和社會結構正在形成。

During Before Christ 233, many cultures and social structures were forming.

例句 2:

考古學家在Before Christ 233的遺址中發現了重要的文物。

Archaeologists discovered important artifacts at sites dating to Before Christ 233.

例句 3:

這本書詳細描述了Before Christ 233的重大歷史事件。

This book details significant historical events from Before Christ 233.

3:233 B.C.




例句 1:

233 B.C.的事件對於後來的歷史發展有著深遠的影響。

Events in 233 B.C. had a profound impact on later historical developments.

例句 2:

233 B.C.是許多古代王國和文化交替的時期。

233 B.C. was a time of transition for many ancient kingdoms and cultures.

例句 3:

我們可以從233 B.C.的文獻中了解當時的政治狀況。

We can learn about the political situation of the time from documents dating to 233 B.C.