例句 1:
B.C. 246 is an important year in Chinese history.
例句 2:
Many ancient events occurred in B.C. 246.
例句 3:
They fought a significant war in B.C. 246.
例句 1:
246 B.C. 是一個值得注意的歷史時期。
246 B.C. is a noteworthy historical period.
例句 2:
在246 B.C.,許多文化和文明正在興起。
In 246 B.C., many cultures and civilizations were rising.
例句 3:
他們的歷史可以追溯到246 B.C.。
Their history can be traced back to 246 B.C.
例句 1:
246 Before Christ 是考古學家研究的關鍵年份。
246 Before Christ is a key year for archaeologists to study.
例句 2:
在246 Before Christ,許多重要的事件發生了。
Many significant events occurred in 246 Before Christ.
例句 3:
這部作品的創作可以追溯到246 Before Christ。
The creation of this work can be traced back to 246 Before Christ.
例句 1:
246 Before Common Era 是一個重要的考古學時間點。
246 Before Common Era is an important archaeological time point.
例句 2:
在246 Before Common Era,社會結構發生了變化。
Social structures changed in 246 Before Common Era.
例句 3:
許多文獻記載了246 Before Common Era的事件。
Many documents record events from 246 Before Common Era.