例句 1:
In B.C. 83, the political situation in the Roman Republic was very complex.
例句 2:
Many ancient events occurred during the year B.C. 83.
例句 3:
The life of this historical figure is closely related to the year B.C. 83.
例句 1:
在83 B.C.,中國的漢朝正處於鼎盛時期。
In 83 B.C., the Han Dynasty in China was at its peak.
例句 2:
83 B.C.是研究古代文明的重要年份。
83 B.C. is an important year for studying ancient civilizations.
例句 3:
許多考古發現可以追溯到83 B.C.這個時間點。
Many archaeological findings can be traced back to the year 83 B.C.
例句 1:
在Before Christ 83,許多文化的發展已經開始。
Before Christ 83, many cultures had already begun to develop.
例句 2:
這位國王的統治始於Before Christ 83。
The reign of this king began in Before Christ 83.
例句 3:
Before Christ 83的歷史事件對後來的世代影響深遠。
Historical events from Before Christ 83 had a profound impact on later generations.
例句 1:
Year 83 Before Christ標誌著一系列重要的歷史事件。
Year 83 Before Christ marks a series of significant historical events.
例句 2:
在Year 83 Before Christ,許多古代文明正在興起。
In Year 83 Before Christ, many ancient civilizations were rising.
例句 3:
Year 83 Before Christ的考古遺址提供了寶貴的歷史資訊。
Archaeological sites from Year 83 Before Christ provide valuable historical information.