

「凹函數」是數學中一種特殊的函數,其特點是對於其定義域內的任何兩個點,連接這兩點的直線在函數圖形的上方或與其相切。換句話說,對於任意的 x1 和 x2,如果 x1 < x2,則對應的函數值滿足 f(tx1 + (1-t)x2) ≥ tf(x1) + (1-t)f(x2),其中 t 介於 0 和 1 之間。這意味著,凹函數在其定義域內的任何一段都是「向下彎曲」的。凹函數在優化問題、經濟學和運籌學等領域中有重要的應用。


  1. A function that curves downwards.
  2. A type of function where the line between points is above the graph.
  3. A mathematical function that shows a downward shape.
  4. A function that does not rise between two points.
  5. A function where the line between two points is always above the function.
  6. A function that is concave down, meaning it bends downwards.
  7. A function that satisfies a specific mathematical property related to its curvature.
  8. A function characterized by its concavity, indicating a downward curve.
  9. A mathematical function exhibiting a property where the line segment between any two points lies above the graph.
  10. A function that is shaped like a bowl turned upside down, having specific mathematical properties.


1:Concave function


在數學中,凹函數的英文名稱是 concave function。這種函數的特性使得它在優化問題中非常重要,特別是在尋找最小值的情況下,因為凹函數的局部最小值就是全局最小值。在經濟學中,效用函數常常被視為凹函數,因為它們顯示出邊際效用遞減的特性。


例句 1:


This example illustrates a typical concave function.

例句 2:


In economics, many utility functions are concave functions.

例句 3:


We need to determine whether this function is a concave function.