「卡翠娜」通常是指一個女性名字,源自於西方,特別是在英語和西班牙語文化中。這個名字的音譯可能來自於英語的 "Katrina",其意義通常與純潔、無瑕疵或清新等正面形象相關聯。在某些情況下,它也可能指代特定的文化參考或知名人物,比如卡翠娜·卡夫(Katrina Kaif),一位著名的寶萊塢演員。
例句 1:
Katrina is a very popular actress.
例句 2:
Her name is Katrina, and she is from Germany.
例句 3:
Katrina's birthday party was very grand.
例句 1:
在亡靈節慶典中,Catrina 是一個重要的象徵。
Catrina is an important symbol in the Day of the Dead celebration.
例句 2:
她的服裝靈感來自於 Catrina 的傳統形象。
Her outfit is inspired by the traditional image of Catrina.
例句 3:
Catrina 通常被描繪成穿著華麗的裙子。
Catrina is often depicted wearing a fancy dress.
例句 1:
Catherine 是一位著名的作家。
Catherine is a renowned writer.
例句 2:
她的全名是 Catherine,但大家都叫她卡翠娜。
Her full name is Catherine, but everyone calls her Katrina.
例句 3:
Catherine 的故事在文學界非常有名。
Catherine's story is very famous in the literary world.
例句 1:
Katrin 是我在德國的朋友。
Katrin is my friend from Germany.
例句 2:
她的名字是 Katrin,意義與卡翠娜相似。
Her name is Katrin, which has a similar meaning to Katrina.
例句 3:
Katrin 喜歡旅行和探索新地方。
Katrin loves to travel and explore new places.