這是一種古老的猶太燭台,通常有七個燭台,象徵著猶太教的信仰。與哈努卡燭台不同,menorah 通常用於其他宗教儀式和節日。
例句 1:
這個古老的 menorah 是猶太教的象徵之一。
This ancient menorah is one of the symbols of Judaism.
例句 2:
在節日期間,家庭會展示他們的 menorah。
During the holidays, families display their menorah.
例句 3:
他們的 menorah 是用金子製作的,非常華麗。
Their menorah is made of gold and is very ornate.
例句 1:
這個 candelabrum 在婚禮上被使用,增添了浪漫的氣氛。
This candelabrum was used at the wedding to add a romantic atmosphere.
例句 2:
他們在家中放置了一個古老的 candelabrum,作為裝飾品。
They placed an antique candelabrum in their home as a decoration.
例句 3:
這個 candelabrum 是由藝術家手工製作的,十分獨特。
This candelabrum was handcrafted by an artist and is very unique.
例句 1:
每晚都會點燃 chanukiah 上的一根燭燭。
Every night, a candle is lit on the chanukiah.
例句 2:
他們的 chanukiah 是由玻璃製作的,十分漂亮。
Their chanukiah is made of glass and is very beautiful.
例句 3:
在哈努卡期間,他們會聚在一起點燃 chanukiah。
During Hanukkah, they gather to light the chanukiah.