「塔塔爾紫菀」是一種植物,學名為Aster tataricus,屬於菊科。它原產於亞洲地區,特別是在中國的西部和北部。這種植物通常生長在草地、山坡和林緣等地方,具有耐寒性和適應性,並且能夠在貧瘠的土壤中生長。塔塔爾紫菀的花朵呈紫色或藍色,形狀類似於菊花,常用於觀賞和園藝中。它在中醫中也有一定的應用,認為具有一定的藥用價值。
例句 1:
塔塔爾紫菀的學名是Aster tataricus。
The scientific name of Tatarian Aster is Aster tataricus.
例句 2:
Aster tataricus是一種耐寒的多年生植物。
Aster tataricus is a hardy perennial plant.
例句 3:
The scientific name of this plant frequently appears in gardening books.
例句 1:
塔塔爾紫菀,也叫做Tatarian Aster,適合種植在陽光充足的地方。
Tatarian Aster, also known as Aster tataricus, thrives in sunny locations.
例句 2:
在花園中種植Tatarian Aster可以增加色彩。
Planting Tatarian Aster in the garden can add vibrant colors.
例句 3:
Tatarian Aster的花朵吸引了許多蜜蜂和蝴蝶。
The flowers of Tatarian Aster attract many bees and butterflies.
例句 1:
Chinese Aster在中國的花卉市場上非常受歡迎。
Chinese Aster is very popular in the flower market in China.
例句 2:
許多園藝愛好者喜歡種植Chinese Aster。
Many gardening enthusiasts enjoy planting Chinese Aster.
例句 3:
Chinese Aster的花色多樣,適合各種園藝設計。
Chinese Aster comes in various colors, suitable for different gardening designs.
例句 1:
Purple Aster的花朵在秋天特別美麗。
The flowers of Purple Aster are especially beautiful in autumn.
例句 2:
在花壇中,Purple Aster可以與其他花卉搭配。
In a flower bed, Purple Aster can be paired with other flowers.
例句 3:
Purple Aster的花期持續很長,吸引了許多觀賞者。
Purple Aster has a long blooming period, attracting many admirers.