「大喜馬拉雅山脈」是世界上最高的山脈,位於亞洲,主要形成了尼泊爾、中國(西藏)、印度和不丹的邊界。這座山脈的最高峰是珠穆朗瑪峰(Mount Everest),海拔8848米,是地球上最高的地方。大喜馬拉雅山脈以其壯麗的自然景觀、獨特的生態系統和豐富的文化背景而聞名,是登山者和冒險者的夢想之地。
例句 1:
The Himalayas attract countless climbers and adventurers.
例句 2:
There are many rare plants and animals in the Himalayas.
例句 3:
The scenery of the Himalayas is breathtaking.
例句 1:
The Himalayan Mountains are the birthplace of many cultures.
例句 2:
Climate change in the Himalayan Mountains has significant impacts on local ecosystems.
例句 3:
Many trekkers dream of exploring the Himalayan Mountains.
例句 1:
Himalaya Range 是地球上最年輕的山脈之一。
The Himalaya Range is one of the youngest mountain ranges on Earth.
例句 2:
Himalaya Range 的形成是由於印度板塊與歐亞板塊的碰撞。
The formation of the Himalaya Range is due to the collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates.
例句 3:
Himalaya Range 的生態多樣性引起了科學家的關注。
The biodiversity of the Himalaya Range has attracted the attention of scientists.
這個詞類似於Himalaya Range,通常用於強調該地區的特定地理特徵,並在地理學和環境科學中常見。
例句 1:
Himalayan Range 內的冰川對全球水資源至關重要。
The glaciers in the Himalayan Range are crucial for global water resources.
例句 2:
Himalayan Range 吸引了許多生態學家進行研究。
The Himalayan Range attracts many ecologists for research.
例句 3:
Himalayan Range 的地形多樣性使其成為探險的理想地點。
The diverse terrain of the Himalayan Range makes it an ideal location for exploration.