



  1. A collection of important religious texts.
  2. Sacred writings of a religion.
  3. Books that contain teachings and rules.
  4. A set of texts important for understanding a belief system.
  5. A compilation of scriptures and teachings in a specific faith.
  6. A comprehensive collection of doctrinal texts central to a religion.
  7. A systematic assembly of authoritative writings that guide followers.
  8. An extensive archive of religious literature critical for spiritual practice.
  9. A historical compilation of texts that encapsulate the core tenets of a religious tradition.
  10. A canonical collection of texts that serve as the foundation for a faith's beliefs and practices.




是佛教的經典文獻,意指「三籃」,分為經、律、論三部分,涵蓋佛陀的教導及其後學的解釋。Tripitaka 是巴利語的名稱,主要在南傳佛教中使用。它的內容對於了解早期佛教教義至關重要。


例句 1:

Tripitaka 包含了許多佛教的基本教義。

The Tripitaka contains many fundamental teachings of Buddhism.

例句 2:

在南傳佛教中,Tripitaka 被視為最重要的經典。

In Theravada Buddhism, the Tripitaka is regarded as the most important scripture.

例句 3:

他在研究 Tripitaka 時發現了許多有趣的觀點。

He discovered many interesting perspectives while studying the Tripitaka.

2:Pali Canon


與 Tripitaka 同義,特指用巴利語寫成的佛教經典,主要流傳於南傳佛教的地區。Pali Canon 是理解佛教傳統和教義的重要資源。


例句 1:

Pali Canon 是南傳佛教的核心文獻。

The Pali Canon is the core literature of Theravada Buddhism.

例句 2:

學者們經常引用 Pali Canon 來支持他們的研究。

Scholars often cite the Pali Canon to support their research.

例句 3:

閱讀 Pali Canon 可以幫助深入理解佛教思想。

Reading the Pali Canon can help deepen the understanding of Buddhist thought.

3:Buddhist Canon


泛指所有佛教的經典文獻,包括大藏經、Tripitaka 及其他流派的經典。這些文獻對於佛教信徒的修行和理解佛教教義至關重要。


例句 1:

Buddhist Canon 包含了各個佛教傳統的教義。

The Buddhist Canon encompasses the teachings of various Buddhist traditions.

例句 2:

不同的佛教流派可能會有不同版本的 Buddhist Canon

Different Buddhist sects may have different versions of the Buddhist Canon.

例句 3:

研究 Buddhist Canon 是了解佛教多樣性的關鍵。

Studying the Buddhist Canon is key to understanding the diversity of Buddhism.

4:Sutra Collection


指佛教經典中的經文集合,通常以佛陀的教導為主。Sutra Collection 包含了各種修行方法和智慧的指導,對信徒的修行有著重要的指導意義。


例句 1:

Sutra Collection 中有許多關於冥想的教導。

The Sutra Collection contains many teachings on meditation.

例句 2:

學習 Sutra Collection 是佛教徒修行的重要部分。

Learning from the Sutra Collection is an important part of a Buddhist's practice.

例句 3:

他常常參考 Sutra Collection 來指導自己的修行。

He often refers to the Sutra Collection to guide his practice.