例句 1:
Flatfish is a type of fish that has a delicious taste.
例句 2:
This dish features fresh flatfish and is very popular.
例句 3:
There are many different kinds of flatfish available at the market.
例句 1:
Pleuronectidae 是平魚的科,包含許多受歡迎的食用魚。
Pleuronectidae is the family that includes many popular edible fish.
例句 2:
These fish play an important role in marine ecosystems.
例句 3:
Pleuronectidae 的魚類通常在餐廳中很常見。
Fish from the Pleuronectidae family are commonly found in restaurants.
例句 1:
Flounder 是一種非常受歡迎的海鮮,適合用來煮湯或煎。
Flounder is a very popular seafood that is great for soups or frying.
例句 2:
這道菜用的是新鮮的 Flounder,味道非常好。
This dish uses fresh flounder, and it tastes amazing.
例句 3:
許多廚師都喜歡用 Flounder 來創作各種菜式。
Many chefs love to use flounder to create various dishes.
例句 1:
Turbot 是一種高級的平魚,常用於精緻料理。
Turbot is a premium flatfish often used in fine dining.
例句 2:
這道菜使用的是 Turbot,肉質非常嫩滑。
This dish features turbot, which has a very tender texture.
例句 3:
在市場上,Turbot 的價格通常較高。
At the market, turbot is usually priced higher.