「敏感樹」是一種植物的名稱,學名為 Mimosa pudica,常被稱為含羞草。這種植物以其對觸碰的敏感反應而聞名,當葉子受到觸碰或其他刺激時,會迅速合攏,這是一種自我保護的機制。敏感樹通常生長在熱帶和亞熱帶地區,並且在許多地方被用作觀賞植物。
例句 1:
We saw many sensitive plants in the park.
例句 2:
The kids love to touch the sensitive plants to see their reaction.
例句 3:
This sensitive plant looks especially beautiful in the sunlight.
這是敏感樹的學名,通常用於植物學和科學研究中。Mimosa 這個名稱有時也用來指代其他種類的植物,特別是那些與敏感樹有相似特徵的植物。
例句 1:
Mimosa 是一種非常有趣的植物,因為它的葉子會在觸碰後合攏。
Mimosa is a very interesting plant because its leaves close up when touched.
例句 2:
在熱帶地區,Mimosa 常常被用作觀賞植物。
In tropical regions, mimosa is often used as an ornamental plant.
例句 3:
Mimosa 的葉子在夜間會自然合攏。
The leaves of mimosa naturally fold up at night.
例句 1:
我們在花園裡找到了許多 Touch-Me-Not 植物。
We found many touch-me-not plants in the garden.
例句 2:
Touch-Me-Not 植物在受到觸碰時會迅速合攏。
Touch-me-not plants quickly fold up when touched.
例句 3:
The name of this plant is very interesting.
例句 1:
Shameplant 在受到觸碰時會像是害羞一樣合攏。
The shameplant folds up as if it's shy when touched.
例句 2:
小朋友們喜歡觀察 Shameplant 的反應。
Children enjoy watching the reaction of the shameplant.
例句 3:
The reaction of this plant is quite amazing.