例句 1:
I recently bought a waterbed, and I sleep very comfortably.
例句 2:
The waterbed in this hotel made me feel like I was on a cloud.
例句 3:
Maintaining a waterbed requires regular checks of the water level and cleaning.
這是一種較少見的床墊類型,通常指的是使用水來提供支撐的床墊。Hydrobed 可能結合了其他技術來增強睡眠體驗。
例句 1:
我聽說 Hydrobed 比傳統床墊更舒適。
I've heard that a hydrobed is more comfortable than traditional mattresses.
例句 2:
Hydrobed 的設計使其能夠減少壓力點,適合有背痛的人使用。
The design of a hydrobed allows it to reduce pressure points, making it suitable for people with back pain.
例句 3:
這種 Hydrobed 可以調整水的溫度,讓睡眠者感到更舒適。
This hydrobed can adjust the water temperature, making it more comfortable for the sleeper.