例句 1:
Sea buckthorn juice is made from the fruit and has a sweet and sour taste.
例句 2:
Sea buckthorn berries are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants.
例句 3:
Many dietary supplements contain extracts from sea buckthorn.
例句 1:
Hippophae rhamnoides 是沙棘的學名。
Hippophae rhamnoides is the scientific name for sea buckthorn.
例句 2:
研究表明,Hippophae 具有多種健康益處。
Studies show that Hippophae has various health benefits.
例句 3:
Hippophae 的果實常被用於製作天然護膚品。
The fruits of Hippophae are often used in natural skincare products.
例句 1:
Sandthorn 果實在北歐地區非常受歡迎。
Sandthorn berries are very popular in Nordic regions.
例句 2:
許多沙棘產品都是以 sandthorn 為名。
Many sea buckthorn products are marketed under the name sandthorn.
例句 3:
Sandthorn 的果實可以用來製作果醬和飲料。
The berries of sandthorn can be used to make jams and beverages.
例句 1:
Sallow thorn 樹木在乾燥和貧瘠的土壤中生長良好。
Sallow thorn trees thrive in dry and barren soils.
例句 2:
Sallow thorn 的果實被認為是超級食品。
The berries of sallow thorn are considered a superfood.
例句 3:
Sallow thorn 的葉子常用來製作草藥茶。
The leaves of sallow thorn are often used to make herbal tea.