



  1. The eighth planet from the Sun.
  2. A blue planet far away from Earth.
  3. A planet known for its strong winds.
  4. A gas giant with a beautiful blue color.
  5. A planet named after a Roman god of the sea.
  6. The most distant planet in our solar system.
  7. A planet with a thick atmosphere and many storms.
  8. A large planet with a striking blue hue due to methane in its atmosphere.
  9. An ice giant with complex weather patterns and a significant moon.
  10. The furthest planet from the Sun, known for its striking blue color and dynamic atmosphere.






例句 1:

海王星是太陽系中最遠的行星,英文稱為 Neptune

Neptune is the farthest planet in the solar system.

例句 2:

天文學家觀察海王星的雲層變化,這是研究 Neptune 的一部分。

Astronomers study the cloud changes on Neptune as part of their research.

例句 3:

在星空中,海王星的亮度比其他行星要暗,這也是為什麼它常常被忽視,英文名稱是 Neptune

In the night sky, Neptune is dimmer than other planets, which is why it is often overlooked.

2:Planet Neptune




例句 1:

我們學習太陽系的時候,特別提到 Planet Neptune 的特徵。

When studying the solar system, we particularly mention the characteristics of Planet Neptune.

例句 2:

Planet Neptune 擁有一個非常特殊的藍色外觀,這是由於其大氣中的甲烷。

Planet Neptune has a very distinctive blue appearance due to methane in its atmosphere.

例句 3:

在天文課上,老師講解了 Planet Neptune 的衛星和環系統。

In astronomy class, the teacher explained the moons and ring system of Planet Neptune.

3:Ice Giant




例句 1:

海王星被歸類為 Ice Giant,因為它的組成與氣體巨星不同。

Neptune is classified as an Ice Giant because its composition differs from gas giants.

例句 2:

天文學家對 Ice Giant 的研究幫助我們了解更遠的行星。

The study of Ice Giants helps astronomers understand more distant planets.

例句 3:

Ice Giant 的特性包括較低的密度和獨特的大氣組成。

The characteristics of Ice Giants include lower density and unique atmospheric composition.

4:Blue Planet




例句 1:

海王星被稱為 Blue Planet,因為它在太空中的顏色非常明顯。

Neptune is referred to as the Blue Planet because of its striking color in space.

例句 2:

許多學生對 Blue Planet 的形成和特徵感到好奇。

Many students are curious about the formation and characteristics of the Blue Planet.

例句 3:

Blue Planet 的觀測可以幫助我們了解宇宙中的其他行星。

Observing the Blue Planet can help us learn about other planets in the universe.