例句 1:
Sea squirts are interesting marine creatures because they can filter food from the water.
例句 2:
While diving, we discovered many colorful sea squirts.
例句 3:
Sea squirts play an important role in the marine ecosystem.
例句 1:
Tunicata 包括了許多不同的海洋生物,其中海鞘是最常見的。
Tunicata includes many different marine organisms, with sea squirts being the most common.
例句 2:
科學家們對 Tunicata 的研究有助於了解海洋生態系統的複雜性。
Research on Tunicata helps scientists understand the complexity of marine ecosystems.
例句 3:
Tunicata 的成員通常生活在淺海或潮間帶。
Members of Tunicata usually inhabit shallow waters or intertidal zones.
例句 1:
Ascidians 是海洋食物鏈中的重要一環。
Ascidians are an important part of the marine food chain.
例句 2:
許多研究集中在 Ascidians 的生態功能上。
Many studies focus on the ecological functions of ascidians.
例句 3:
Ascidians 的多樣性在不同的海洋環境中都能被觀察到。
The diversity of ascidians can be observed in various marine environments.