例句 1:
I plan to travel to Chaozhou City next month.
例句 2:
Chaozhou City has many historic temples and buildings.
例句 3:
The cuisine of Chaozhou City attracts many tourists.
這是潮州市的另一種稱呼,特別是在海外華人社區中常用。Teochew 代表潮汕地區的文化和方言。
例句 1:
Teochew City 是許多華僑的故鄉。
Teochew City is the hometown of many overseas Chinese.
例句 2:
Teochew City 的傳統音樂非常受歡迎。
The traditional music of Teochew City is very popular.
例句 3:
我在 Teochew City 的朋友推薦了當地的潮州菜。
My friend in Teochew City recommended the local Teochew dishes.
例句 1:
Teochiu City 是一個充滿活力的文化中心。
Teochiu City is a vibrant cultural center.
例句 2:
在 Teochiu City,你可以品嚐到正宗的潮州小吃。
In Teochiu City, you can taste authentic Teochew snacks.
例句 3:
Teochiu City 的手工藝品非常有名。
The handicrafts from Teochiu City are very famous.