

「炭疽桿菌」是一種細菌,學名為 Bacillus anthracis,主要引起炭疽病。這種細菌可以在土壤中存活,並且以其形成的孢子而聞名,這些孢子在不利的環境條件下也能保持生命。炭疽桿菌主要影響動物,特別是草食性動物,但也可以感染人類,並導致嚴重的健康問題。炭疽病可以通過接觸感染的動物或吸入其孢子而傳播。


  1. A type of bacteria that can make people and animals sick.
  2. A germ that can cause a serious disease.
  3. A bacteria that can survive in harsh conditions.
  4. A bacterium that forms spores and can infect animals and humans.
  5. A pathogenic bacterium that can be found in soil and affects livestock.
  6. A spore-forming bacterium responsible for a serious infectious disease in animals and humans.
  7. A highly resilient bacterium that can cause severe illness and is used in biological weapons.
  8. An anthrax-causing bacterium known for its ability to form spores that can persist in the environment.
  9. A pathogenic bacillus that poses significant risks to public health and agriculture due to its infectious nature.
  10. A dangerous bacterium that can cause anthrax, particularly in livestock, and can be lethal if untreated.


1:Bacillus anthracis




例句 1:

Bacillus anthracis 是一種可引起致命疾病的細菌。

Bacillus anthracis is a bacterium that can cause fatal diseases.

例句 2:

科學家正在研究 Bacillus anthracis 的基因組。

Scientists are studying the genome of Bacillus anthracis.

例句 3:

這種細菌的學名是 Bacillus anthracis

The scientific name for this bacterium is Bacillus anthracis.

2:Anthrax bacteria




例句 1:

Anthrax bacteria 在某些地區仍然是一個公共衛生問題。

Anthrax bacteria remain a public health concern in some areas.

例句 2:

預防接種可以保護人們免受 Anthrax bacteria 的感染。

Vaccination can protect people from infections caused by anthrax bacteria.

例句 3:

在農業中,Anthrax bacteria 可能對牲畜造成嚴重威脅。

In agriculture, anthrax bacteria can pose a serious threat to livestock.

3:Pathogenic bacteria




例句 1:

Pathogenic bacteria 可能導致各種感染和疾病。

Pathogenic bacteria can lead to various infections and diseases.

例句 2:

研究人員正在尋找新的方法來對抗 pathogenic bacteria

Researchers are looking for new ways to combat pathogenic bacteria.

例句 3:

了解 pathogenic bacteria 的行為對於公共衛生至關重要。

Understanding the behavior of pathogenic bacteria is crucial for public health.