「甜木犀」是一種植物,學名為「Sweet Osmanthus」,屬於木犀科。這種植物的特徵是其小而芳香的花朵,通常在秋季盛開,散發出甜美的香氣。甜木犀的花朵可以用來製作花茶,或用於烹飪,尤其是在中國的傳統甜點中。其香氣也常被用作香料或香水的成分。
例句 1:
The flowers of sweet osmanthus bloom in autumn, filling the air with fragrance.
例句 2:
I love drinking sweet osmanthus tea in autumn; it tastes sweet and fragrant.
例句 3:
The fragrance of sweet osmanthus makes one feel relaxed and joyful.
例句 1:
Osmanthus fragrans 是一種受歡迎的觀賞植物。
Osmanthus fragrans is a popular ornamental plant.
例句 2:
在許多亞洲國家,Osmanthus fragrans 被用來製作香茶。
In many Asian countries, Osmanthus fragrans is used to make fragrant tea.
例句 3:
Osmanthus fragrans 的花朵通常在秋季開放。
The flowers of Osmanthus fragrans usually bloom in autumn.
例句 1:
Fragrant olive 的香味吸引了許多蜜蜂。
The scent of fragrant olive attracts many bees.
例句 2:
我們的花園裡種了幾株 fragrant olive,秋天的時候香氣特別濃郁。
We planted several fragrant olives in our garden, and the aroma is especially strong in autumn.
例句 3:
Fragrant olive 的花朵可以用來製作香水。
The flowers of fragrant olive can be used to make perfumes.
例句 1:
我在市場上看到新鮮的 tea olive 花,忍不住買了一些。
I saw fresh tea olive flowers at the market and couldn't resist buying some.
例句 2:
The flowers of tea olive add a special fragrance when brewing tea.
例句 3:
The scent of tea olive is soothing.