

「白頭鵰」是一種大型的猛禽,學名為 Haliaeetus leucocephalus,通常被稱為美國國鳥。這種鳥類主要分布於北美,特徵是有著白色的頭部和尾巴,暗棕色的身體,以及強壯的爪子和喙。白頭鵰通常棲息於靠近水源的地區,如湖泊和河流,並以魚類為主要食物。它們在飛行時展現出壯觀的翅膀展開,象徵著自由和力量。


  1. A big bird that looks strong and has a white head.
  2. A bird with a white head that lives near water.
  3. A large bird known for its strength and hunting ability.
  4. A bird that is a symbol of freedom and is often seen in the USA.
  5. A bird that is often found near lakes and rivers and eats fish.
  6. A majestic bird that represents a nation and is known for its distinctive appearance.
  7. A powerful bird of prey that is a national symbol, recognized for its striking coloration.
  8. A raptor known for its impressive wingspan and hunting prowess, often associated with independence.
  9. A prominent avian species characterized by its striking white head and tail, serving as a national emblem.
  10. A large raptor that symbolizes strength and freedom, commonly associated with the United States.


1:Bald Eagle




例句 1:


The bald eagle is the national bird of the United States, symbolizing freedom and strength.

例句 2:


In many national parks, visitors can see bald eagles soaring in the sky.

例句 3:


The population of bald eagles had decreased due to hunting and environmental pollution, but it has now recovered.