「石竹」是一種植物,屬於石竹科,常見於園藝中,因其花色多樣、花期長而受到喜愛。它的學名為 Dianthus,常用於花壇、花圃或作為盆栽。石竹的花朵通常為粉紅色、紅色、白色等,並散發著淡淡的香氣。除了觀賞價值外,某些品種的石竹還可用於食用,特別是在某些文化中,花瓣被用來裝飾菜餚或製作茶飲。
這是石竹的學名,通常用於科學或植物學的討論中。Dianthus 包含多個種,包括常見的石竹和康乃馨。這些植物以其多樣的花色和香氣而受到喜愛,廣泛應用於花卉設計和園藝中。
例句 1:
Dianthus 是一種常見的園藝植物,適合各種氣候。
Dianthus is a common garden plant suitable for various climates.
例句 2:
在這個花圃裡,有許多不同品種的 Dianthus。
In this flowerbed, there are many different varieties of Dianthus.
例句 3:
Dianthus 的花朵在陽光下顯得特別鮮豔。
The flowers of Dianthus look particularly vibrant in the sunlight.
例句 1:
Carnations are common flowers in many bouquets.
例句 2:
Her wedding featured a lot of carnations as decorations.
例句 3:
The fragrance of carnations is very charming and often used in florists.
例句 1:
小花園裡種滿了各種顏色的 Pinks。
The small garden is filled with various colors of Pinks.
例句 2:
Pinks 的花瓣邊緣有著獨特的切割,讓它們看起來非常美麗。
The petals of Pinks have unique fringed edges, making them very beautiful.
例句 3:
在春天,Pinks 是最受歡迎的花卉之一。
In spring, Pinks are one of the most popular flowers.
例句 1:
Sweet William 是吸引蝴蝶的好選擇,因為它們的香氣。
Sweet William is a great choice for attracting butterflies due to its fragrance.
例句 2:
這些 Sweet William 在花季時期特別受歡迎。
These Sweet William are especially popular during the blooming season.
例句 3:
她在花園中種植了許多 Sweet William,增添了色彩。
She planted many Sweet William in her garden to add color.