例句 1:
Shennong is regarded as the ancestor of agriculture in ancient China.
例句 2:
Many stories about Shennong have been passed down through generations.
例句 3:
The image of Shennong is often seen in Chinese art.
例句 1:
Divine Farmer 是中國農業的象徵。
The Divine Farmer is a symbol of agriculture in China.
例句 2:
許多農民尊敬 Divine Farmer 的智慧。
Many farmers respect the wisdom of the Divine Farmer.
例句 3:
Divine Farmer 的傳說激勵著許多農業工作者。
The legend of the Divine Farmer inspires many agricultural workers.
例句 1:
在中國文化中,Agricultural Deity 被視為農業的保護者。
In Chinese culture, the Agricultural Deity is seen as the protector of farming.
例句 2:
許多節日是為了祭祀 Agricultural Deity 而設立的。
Many festivals are established to worship the Agricultural Deity.
例句 3:
人們相信 Agricultural Deity 會保佑豐收。
People believe that the Agricultural Deity will bless them with a good harvest.
例句 1:
神農氏被認為是古代的 Herbalist。
Shennong is considered an ancient herbalist.
例句 2:
Herbalist 的知識在中國傳統醫學中非常重要。
The knowledge of herbalists is very important in traditional Chinese medicine.
例句 3:
The use of many herbs comes from the experiments of Shennong.