例句 1:
I added some green onions to the salad.
例句 2:
This dish requires some chopped green onions as a garnish.
例句 3:
Green onions are an essential ingredient in Asian cuisine.
例句 1:
這道湯的配方中需要一些 scallion。
The recipe for this soup calls for some scallions.
例句 2:
Scallion 可以生吃或熟吃,味道都很好。
Scallions can be eaten raw or cooked, and they taste great either way.
例句 3:
我喜歡用 scallion 炒蛋,味道特別好。
I love to use scallions when making scrambled eggs; they add great flavor.
例句 1:
這道菜的最後一步是加入一些 spring onion。
The last step of the dish is to add some spring onions.
例句 2:
Spring onion 在亞洲菜中經常被使用。
Spring onions are often used in Asian dishes.
例句 3:
我在市場上買了一把新鮮的 spring onion。
I bought a bunch of fresh spring onions at the market.
例句 1:
Allium fistulosum 是許多亞洲菜的主要成分。
Allium fistulosum is a key ingredient in many Asian dishes.
例句 2:
這種植物的學名是 Allium fistulosum。
The scientific name for this plant is Allium fistulosum.
例句 3:
我們需要研究 Allium fistulosum 的生長條件。
We need to study the growth conditions of Allium fistulosum.