例句 1:
醫生診斷我有股部癬,也就是 tinea cruris。
The doctor diagnosed me with tinea cruris.
例句 2:
tinea cruris 通常需要使用抗真菌藥物來治療。
Tinea cruris usually requires antifungal medication for treatment.
例句 3:
運動員常常容易得股部癬,即 tinea cruris。
Athletes often suffer from tinea cruris.
例句 1:
他因為運動而得了 jock itch。
He got jock itch from exercising.
例句 2:
jock itch 會導致劇烈的癢感和不適。
Jock itch can cause severe itching and discomfort.
例句 3:
預防 jock itch 的方法包括保持乾燥和清潔。
Preventing jock itch includes keeping the area dry and clean.
例句 1:
我最近得了 groin fungus,真的很不舒服。
I recently got groin fungus, and it's really uncomfortable.
例句 2:
治療 groin fungus 需要使用抗真菌藥膏。
Treating groin fungus requires antifungal ointments.
例句 3:
保持該區域乾燥有助於防止 groin fungus 的發生。
Keeping the area dry helps prevent groin fungus.
例句 1:
股部癬是一種常見的 fungal infection。
Groin fungus is a common fungal infection.
例句 2:
有些人對 fungal infection 的治療反應不佳。
Some people do not respond well to treatment for fungal infections.
例句 3:
預防 fungal infection 的方法包括保持良好的衛生習慣。
Preventing fungal infections includes maintaining good hygiene.