例句 1:
The Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
例句 2:
The Great Pyramid of Giza attracts many tourists.
例句 3:
The construction techniques of the Great Pyramid of Giza still amaze people today.
例句 1:
胡夫金字塔,或稱為Khufu Pyramid,是古埃及最著名的金字塔。
The Khufu Pyramid, also known as the Great Pyramid, is the most famous pyramid of ancient Egypt.
例句 2:
許多學者研究Khufu Pyramid的建造方法。
Many scholars study the construction methods of the Khufu Pyramid.
例句 3:
Khufu Pyramid的歷史吸引了無數考古學家的注意。
The history of the Khufu Pyramid has attracted the attention of countless archaeologists.
這是胡夫金字塔的另一種稱呼,與Khufu Pyramid相似,強調其與法老胡夫的關聯。這個名稱在描述金字塔的歷史背景時經常使用。
例句 1:
Pyramid of Khufu是古埃及建築的傑作。
The Pyramid of Khufu is a masterpiece of ancient Egyptian architecture.
例句 2:
許多遊客前來參觀Pyramid of Khufu,了解它的歷史。
Many tourists visit the Pyramid of Khufu to learn about its history.
例句 3:
Pyramid of Khufu是古埃及文明的象徵。
The Pyramid of Khufu is a symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization.
例句 1:
這座Pharaoh's Pyramid展示了古埃及人的建築技術。
This Pharaoh's Pyramid showcases the architectural skills of the ancient Egyptians.
例句 2:
Pharaoh's Pyramid是法老權力的象徵。
The Pharaoh's Pyramid is a symbol of the Pharaoh's power.
例句 3:
在古埃及,建造Pharaoh's Pyramid是一項重要的任務。
Building a Pharaoh's Pyramid was an important task in ancient Egypt.