例句 1:
Insects in the wasp family belong to the Vespidae.
例句 2:
Insects from this wasp family are known for their aggressiveness.
例句 3:
Insects from the wasp family play an important role in the ecosystem.
例句 1:
Vespidae 是一個重要的昆蟲科,包含了許多常見的胡蜂。
Vespidae is an important insect family that includes many common wasps.
例句 2:
科學家們正在研究 Vespidae 的行為和生態影響。
Scientists are studying the behavior and ecological impact of Vespidae.
例句 3:
這種昆蟲屬於 Vespidae 科,並且在夏天特別活躍。
This insect belongs to the Vespidae family and is particularly active in summer.
例句 1:
這種大型的胡蜂被稱為 hornets,牠們的刺針非常痛。
This large wasp is called a hornet, and its sting is very painful.
例句 2:
Hornets 通常會在樹上或建築物的角落建立巢穴。
Hornets usually build nests in trees or corners of buildings.
例句 3:
小心 hornets,因為牠們可能會攻擊保護巢穴。
Be careful of hornets, as they may attack to protect their nest.
例句 1:
Yellowjackets 是非常活躍的昆蟲,尤其是在食物附近。
Yellowjackets are very active insects, especially near food.
例句 2:
These black and yellow insects are common visitors in the summer.
例句 3:
小心 yellowjackets,因為牠們的刺針非常痛。
Be cautious of yellowjackets, as their sting can be very painful.