例句 1:
I bought some eggfruit at the market to make a smoothie.
例句 2:
The flavor of eggfruit is a mix between vanilla and banana.
例句 3:
This dessert uses fresh eggfruit, and it tastes amazing.
例句 1:
Canistel 是一種健康的水果,富含纖維。
Canistel is a healthy fruit rich in fiber.
例句 2:
我從朋友那裡學會了如何使用 canistel 製作餡餅。
I learned how to make a pie using canistel from a friend.
例句 3:
在一些熱帶國家,canistel 是常見的水果之一。
In some tropical countries, canistel is one of the common fruits.
例句 1:
Pouteria campechiana 是一種在中美洲和南美洲常見的水果。
Pouteria campechiana is a fruit commonly found in Central and South America.
例句 2:
這種水果的學名是 Pouteria campechiana,味道非常獨特。
The scientific name for this fruit is Pouteria campechiana, and it has a very unique flavor.
例句 3:
我們今天學習了 Pouteria campechiana 的栽培方法。
Today we learned about the cultivation methods of Pouteria campechiana.