例句 1:
We held a Recognition Day at school to honor the students' outstanding performances.
例句 2:
The company holds a Recognition Day every year to appreciate the hard work of its employees.
例句 3:
This is a special Recognition Day to thank all the volunteers.
例句 1:
政府在Commendation Day上表揚了許多社區服務者。
The government honored many community service workers on Commendation Day.
例句 2:
在Commendation Day上,學校頒發了獎學金給優秀學生。
On Commendation Day, the school awarded scholarships to outstanding students.
例句 3:
這個活動是為了慶祝Commendation Day,表彰那些努力工作的人。
This event is to celebrate Commendation Day and honor those who worked hard.
例句 1:
每年的Award Day都吸引了許多家長和朋友來見證頒獎。
Every year, Award Day attracts many parents and friends to witness the ceremony.
例句 2:
在Award Day上,最佳表現者會獲得獎杯和證書。
On Award Day, the top performers receive trophies and certificates.
例句 3:
我們期待著今年的Award Day,期待看到所有的獲獎者。
We are looking forward to this year's Award Day to see all the winners.
例句 1:
Honoring Day是我們社區感謝志工的時刻。
Honoring Day is the time for our community to thank the volunteers.
例句 2:
在Honoring Day上,許多貢獻者受到了表彰。
Many contributors were honored on Honoring Day.
例句 3:
這是一個特別的Honoring Day,讓我們感謝所有的醫護人員。
This is a special Honoring Day to thank all the healthcare workers.